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1974 Ford Falcon XB GT 351
1974 Ford Falcon XB GT 351Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/14/17
Resolution: 1600x1200
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1961 Ford Falcon Sedan Delivery Shelby GT350 Tribute
1961 Ford Falcon Sedan Delivery Shelby G...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
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1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1
1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
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1966 Ford Mustang GT Convertible 'A' Code
1966 Ford Mustang GT Convertible 'A...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
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Date Uploaded: 8/13/17
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FORD FAIRLANE 500----1960-61
FORD FAIRLANE 500----1960-61Uploaded by: GREENFROGGY1
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ford broadmeadows assembly plant
ford broadmeadows assembly plantUploaded by: aussie48
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xy ford falcon gtho
xy ford falcon gthoUploaded by: aussie48
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ford mondeo military police
ford mondeo military policeUploaded by: aussie48
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Resolution: 2525x1868
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fpv ford falcon gt cobra ute
fpv ford falcon gt cobra uteUploaded by: aussie48
Date Uploaded: 8/13/17
Resolution: 1600x1200
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1956 Ford Thunderbird Convertible 312 V8
1956 Ford Thunderbird Convertible 312 V8...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
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Resolution: 1614x1080
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1955 Ford Thunderbird Convertible V8 Overdrive
1955 Ford Thunderbird Convertible V8 Ove...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
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Resolution: 4608x3072
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Comments: 1
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Points: +5
1963 Ford Galaxie 500XL
1963 Ford Galaxie 500XLUploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/12/17
Resolution: 1439x1080
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Points: +2
1956 Ford Thunderbird
1956 Ford ThunderbirdUploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/12/17
Resolution: 4608x3072
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Points: +4
1976 Ford Thunderbird Bordeaux Luxury Edition
1976 Ford Thunderbird Bordeaux Luxury Ed...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/12/17
Resolution: 1614x1080
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Ford F-100 1960
Ford F-100 1960Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/12/17
Resolution: 1619x1080
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Points: +6
1961 Ford F-100
1961 Ford F-100Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/12/17
Resolution: 1614x1080
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Points: +6
1963 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible Factory 'Z' Code 390 Big Block 4-Speed
1963 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible Factor...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/11/17
Resolution: 1614x1080
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1955 Ford Thunderbird Convertible V8 Overdrive
1955 Ford Thunderbird Convertible V8 Ove...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/11/17
Resolution: 4608x3072
Downloads: 49
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Points: +5
1964 Ford Thunderbird Convertible Z Code 390 V8
1964 Ford Thunderbird Convertible Z Code...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/11/17
Resolution: 1614x1080
Downloads: 275
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Points: +4
1966 Ford Galaxie 500XL Convertible 390 V8
1966 Ford Galaxie 500XL Convertible 390 ...Uploaded by: Marco_Ghostly
Date Uploaded: 8/11/17
Resolution: 1614x1080
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Points: +4

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